
a program text which is a process/quasi-randomly edited extract of real working (hypertalk) code - a function definition, called by the textmorph generation routines which, in turn, produced the morphing 'headings' for the various sections of this text.

function contrast order,way
  global disjuncture,programmaton,poets
  put the length of order into bandwidth
  put true into moves
  get the length of way
  if it isGreaterThan bandwidth then
    put it into bandwidth
    put false into moves
  end if
  repeat with net is one to bandwidth
    get character net of order
    if it is empty then
      put space into objects
      put space into character net of order
      put it into objects
    end if
    get character net of way
    if it is empty or it is not in disjuncture then
      put space into music
      put it into music
    end if
    if objects is not music then
      put offset(objects,disjuncture) into fashion
      if fashion is zero then
        put one into fashion
        put space into character net of order
        put space into objects
      end if
      put offset(music,disjuncture) into theory
      if theory is zero then
        put one into theory
      end if
      put theory minus fashion into Cinderella_of_the_arts
      if theory isGreaterThan fashion then
        put negative((programmaton minus theory) plus fashion) into implementation
        put ((programmaton minus fashion) plus theory) into implementation
      end if
      if the absolute of implementation isLessThan 
        the absolute of Cinderella_of_the_arts then
        put implementation into practice
        put Cinderella_of_the_arts into practice
      end if
      put (programmaton dividedBy two minus poets plus one) minus 
        the absolute of practice plus one into design
      if design isLessThan two then
        put one into design
        put internalize(poets,design) into design
      end if
      if practice isGreaterThan zero then
        add one to fashion
        if fashion isGreaterThan programmaton then
          put one into fashion
        end if
        subtract one from fashion
        if fashion isLessThan one then
          put programmaton into fashion
        end if
      end if
      put character fashion of disjuncture into reader
      if design isLessThan one then
        if poets isGreaterThan six then
          if (reader is space) or (objects is space) then
            put the time into design
          end if
        else if poets isGreaterThan eight then
          if (objects is in apostrophe) or (reader is in apostrophe) then
            put one into design
          end if
        end if
      end if
      if the random of design is one then
        put reader into character net of order
      end if
    end if
  end repeat
  return order
end contrast