7#*(}(}(}(}(}"(X(((( ))))x(* *;*|**(}*|*S)*|*|**|*|*|*|*|*| John Cayley cayley@shadoof.demon.co.uk www.demon.co.uk/eastfield/in with thanks to cris cheek, iod (for Web Stalker) and Lev Manovich ______ *cris cheek's intitial trawl of 'must-reads for netArtists'* Kathy Acker: *Blood and Guts In High School*, New York: Grove Press, 1989. Steve Benson: *Blue Book* (in particular perhaps his piece 'The Busses'), Great Barrington, Ma.: The Figures/Roof, 1988. Brian Catling *The Stumbling Block*, London : Book Works, 1990. John Cayley: *Book Unbound* ( also in *Engaged*, 3, 1995) Bob Grenier: *Sentences*, Cambridge, Mass. : Whale Cloth Press, 1978. *The Little Magazine*, Volume 21 (On CD), from Albany NY: University of Albany Dept. of English, 1996. Steve McCaffery: *Panopticon* (forthcoming on CD from 'Sound & Language'), Toronto : Blewointmentpress, 1984; and *Imagining Writing* (an anthology, co-edited with Jed Rasula, due out from MIT, early autumn 1998) Jackson Mac Low: *Representative Works*, New York: Roof Books, 1986. Lisa Robertson: *Debbie - An Epic* (London: Reality Street Editions, 1997). Allen Fisher: *defamiliarising*, London : Spanner, 1985. Tom Raworth: *Log Book*, Berkeley, Ca.: Poltroon Press, 1976; *Writing*, Berkeley, Calif.: Figures, 1982. Fiona Templeton: *You - The City*, New York : Roof Books, 1990. Hannah Weiner: *Spoke*, Washington, D.C.: Sun & Moon Press, 1984. Web Stalker 'reviews' of 1) *Grammatron* by Mark Amerika ; 2) *253* by Geoff Ryman ; and 3) part of the *Wax* site by David Blair Web Stalker clearly demonstrates how the Web -- an admirably open architecture, the *writerly* (inter)text *par excellence* -- welcomes the more exotic attentions of an active reader. It figures the obvious truism that we are always free to read *in whatever way we wish*, and suggests that we should consider programming (both senses) in order to develop this freedom. The Stalker's readings *are* revealing. They are not be entirely determined by the reader's frame-making. They show the composed structure of these sites; the particular figures displayed by the Stalker's maps can be seen to correspond -- at least partially and alway provisonally -- with this (human) reader's critical appreciation of these textual sites. Which surf looks more inviting to you? And before you start saying that the Stalker merely translates or transposes selectively/arbitrarily from text to vision, remember that all of what the Stalker figures is text; the structure shown is a direct function of the work as text, networked in simple, open html protocols. The following two 'attached' texts were provided for Mute to use at will, although I expected them to be incorporated as 'illustration' or 'texture' or whatever. The two texts are: 1) a textMorph piece moving from > "of programmatology" > "of grammatology" > "of prior writing" > "text made the net" > "text made net" > "text makes nettime" > "text made time" > 2) a program piece which is a process/quasi-randomly edited piece of real working (hypertalk) code -- a function definition which is called by the textmorph generation routines. ------- E E A A I I E OE O ET TAEUA TT EEEUE AD DIAYIEDDETAAAYA IN NOIOANNATIIII OM MUOLUAMMATOOOLO OS SYORYAMMATOUORU OS FOWAMMATOYOWY OF PLOVLAMMATOOVY OF PROJRAMMATOLOJY OF PROGRAMMATOLOGY OF PLOGRAMMATOLOGY OF FLOGRAMMATOLOGY OF SIGRAMMATOLOGY OF MYAGRAMMATOLOGY OF NUEGRAMMATOLOGY OF DO GRAMMATOLOGY OF TI GRAMMATOLOGY OF A GRAMMATOLOGY OF E GRAMMATOLOGY OF GRAMMATOLOGY OF GRAMSATOLOGY OF GRAMFATOLOGY OF GRANPATILOGY OF JRANBATALIGY OF E VRANQITAIGY OF TAEWRADZO AYAGU OF DIARRETXUEEUEGO OF NOILR CYA O GI OF MUIR KITITGA OF SYIYR HLITIDGE OF FIUR GRITING OF PLIOR JRITING OF PRIOR WRITING OF FRIOR WROTING OF FRIOR WRUTING OF FLIOR WLYTINJ OFTFIOL RLYTINV OFDSIO LYTINW ISNMYAOY YTINR AMMNUEIUE YUL ANLT ENSDO AOE UOREENT DFTITAIE OIWE NYT TTPTADAAE IAVE NUT T BTENAEE AEJE NOT TEQT MA E E GE NIT TEZT MATE THE NAT TEXT MADE THE NET TEXT MADE TGE NET TEXT MADE TJE NET TEXT MADE TVE NET TEXT MADE TWE NET TEXT MADE TRE NET TEXT MADE TL DE TEXT MADE TET TEXT MADE YDET TEXT MADE UNET TEXT MADE ONET TEXT MADE INET TEXT MADE ANET TEXT MADE ENET TEXT MADE NET TEXT MANE NET TEXT MAME NET TEXT MASET T D T TEXT MAFED DETTEDE TEXT MAPEN NETTANE TEXT MABEM NETTIME TEXT MAQEM NETTIME TEXT MAZES NETTIME TEXT MAXES NETTIME TEXT MACES NETTIME TEXT MAKES NETTIME TEXT MACEM NETTIME TEXT MAXEM NETTIME TEXT MAZEN NE TIME TEXT MAQED D TIME TEXT MABET T TIME TEXT MAPE TIME TEXT MAFE TIME TEXT MASE TIME TEXT MAME TIME TEXT MANE TIME TEXT MADE TIME TEXT MADE TIME TEZT MADE TANE TEQT MADE TANE TEBT MADE TADE TEPT NADE ATE F DET E S T M N D T function contrast order,way global disjuncture,programmaton,poets put the length of order into bandwidth put true into moves get the length of way if it isGreaterThan bandwidth then put it into bandwidth put false into moves end if repeat with net is one to bandwidth get character net of order if it is empty then put space into objects put space into character net of order else put it into objects end if get character net of way if it is empty or it is not in disjuncture then put space into music else put it into music end if if objects is not music then put offset(objects,disjuncture) into fashion if fashion is zero then put one into fashion put space into character net of order put space into objects end if put offset(music,disjuncture) into theory if theory is zero then put one into theory end if put theory minus fashion into Cinderella_of_the_arts if theory isGreaterThan fashion then put negative((programmaton minus theory) plus fashion) into implementation else put ((programmaton minus fashion) plus theory) into implementation end if if the absolute of implementation isLessThan the absolute of Cinderella_of_the_arts then put implementation into practice else put Cinderella_of_the_arts into practice end if put (programmaton dividedBy two minus poets plus one) minus the absolute of practice plus one into design if design isLessThan two then put one into design else put internalize(poets,design) into design end if if practice isGreaterThan zero then add one to fashion if fashion isGreaterThan programmaton then put one into fashion end if else subtract one from fashion if fashion isLessThan one then put programmaton into fashion end if end if put character fashion of disjuncture into reader if design isLessThan one then if poets isGreaterThan six then if (reader is space) or (objects is space) then put the time into design end if else if poets isGreaterThan eight then if (objects is in apostrophe) or (reader is in apostrophe) then put one into design end if end if end if if the random of design is one then put reader into character net of order end if end if end repeat return order end contrast v~v~v~( */ /N `l A"l"ixC oLN^NtNVHY/.0<+ xN(_`8Y/ 0<, xN&_(l l BCDF @      9V>e,x[ } S#6I\o-@Sfy#< 88#<#<#<#<#<V$7J]p-@Sfy$7J]p.ATgz%8K^q /BCDEFb 9Bh #<#< #< #< 8[3g =k Hs)j9l%2i%TDQ\ix#<#< #<#<B 9x X @x X @ E E   "{"|"}"~********444444444444888899?@@4BBBClCmDpHH549F{HH0d'` A.|RH-:LaserWriter 8 PalatinoCourier Mishawaka(N