On the other hand, as I've mentioned, these developments have taken place largely without the engagement of poets, for another set of contingent reasons. In the first place there are the failures, luddite blindnesses, magisterial vanities and general bankruptcies of mainstream poetry. How many of you really want to read html versionings of laureate-Hughes-Nobel-Heaney-work in between visits to www.jodi.org? And you're probably only slightly more sympathetic to the author-indulgent cyberBeat world of Grammatron (see the embedded Web Stalker 'review'). In a manner comparable to the Art/Science ruptures of "Distant Relations" (cf. Mute 10), audio-visual artists and designers have ignored or arbitrarily (mis-)assimilated traditions of innovative and experimental writing, while poetic avant-gardists have fiercely guarded their Cinderella-of-the-arts, holier-than-thou marginalisation, while arbitrarily (mis-)assimilating contemporary and, now, net art.