L e a v e s
samples of text generated by active readers
: f r o m :
B o o k : U n b o u n d
Texts by James Waite |
John Cayley |
Steve Balogh |
Jim Rosenberg |
Herb Levy
determined by the physical form of a body
of linguistic creation
or all of what you have to say
no longer the sense that
these same tools
will live on
(it is my life itself)
the sum of all of its shape
(and so on and so on)
and so on
it has a physical
medium for others
will live on the ever-spinning magnetic or optical disks
of programmable machines
millions of its qualities in our culture
however the realization that these same tools will be less content
with the inability to find others
demonstrates that the irreducible defining quality of a book
is that it is more difficult
to believe that a book
is not just a book
is that the vital book-as-metaphor
in the ghostly fragmentary drifting leaves of what you have created
many will be unwilling to believe the book is changing
many will allow others to see all of our material culture
that it is more difficult to say
no longer people of the book
no longer people of the pre-eminent medium
of our material culture that it is that it is
people of the book
this has not been static